
MDFA 1st Division side Madanpura Sports Club soon to host trials

With football gradually returning, Mumbai based Madanpura Sports Club are slated to conduct trials for the upcoming season.

Madanpura Sports Club is the Junior team of Bombay Muslims SC, who currently compete in the MDFA 1st Division League. The basic criteria set for the selection of players is to be above 18, and preferably have prior experience in MDFA 1st Division. The players must be a resident of Mumbai or its nearby locations.

The trials will take place in Mohammed Hussain PlayGround (YMCA), Mumbai Central. The dates are yet to be decided. Refreshments to be provided during practice sessions. There are no charges for either registrations or training.

Below listed are the details:

CLUB: Madanpura Sports Club

LEAGUE: MDFA 1st Division League

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